Monday, December 29, 2014

The Secret Life of Trees at Night

On my way home, I noticed trees looked so interesting at night. With the street light directly shined on them, the trees looked like they were on stage. What are they performing, then?  

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Incredibly Beautiful, Extremely Crowded

My heart sank when I saw the number of people on the trail. 
But the light was too beautiful, I knew I needed to photo differently today.
The light was so painterly. I felt like looking at a painting of the Hudson River School.
When you get lemons, make lemonade.
The magical light was gone in a few minutes. 
Sea lion rocks.
I want a sweater of this pattern.
I waited and clicked whenever the photographer looked at his viewfinder.
It was a long exposure (couple of seconds). Fortunately this guy didn't move.
I confess, I shot this from the parking lot using a telephoto lens.
An amazing 5 min walk. I am such a lazy photographer.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Kiss

Looking at the photo, I suddenly remembered a relief I saw two years ago in Germany's Regensburg Cathedral. Two kisses, locked in eternity.

A Sequence inside Richard Serra's Sequence