Friday, August 23, 2013

Somewhere in Silicon Valley

I took this photo right across Tesla's Palo Alto office. Silicon valley is really a surreal place.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Morning Glory

As usual, Miti woke me up and "demanded" her breakfast at daybreak. I walked to the kitchen reluctantly, my eyes half closed. I wanted to get back to sleep! However, when I saw the light outside the window, I picked up my camera and rushed out (yes, in my pajama). I didn't even have time to put on my glasses (no problem, the lens is auto-focused). I knew I couldn't take any meaningful shot because there was nothing much to see in my neighborhood, still, I wanted to catch the light. After a few minutes the light started to fade and I walked home, now fully awake. Suddenly it stroke me: "maybe this is God's way of telling me no more work in weekend, time to go out and take photos". 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

On a Cloudy Day

Tidal Pool

A very uninspiring day. I hadn't been shooting for a couple of months so I knew the photos I took today most likely would be bad. Somehow I felt I had let my D800E down.