Sunday, April 28, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Point Bonita Lighthouse

On the map, Point Bonita looks almost like Italy.
I was glad I took this photo first, because soon a fog bank came and swallowed the whole area.
After two attempts (and one speeding ticket), I finally saw Point Bonita Lighthouse with my own eyes.
Built on a cliff with pounding waves, Point Bonita Lighthouse is one of my favorite west coast lighthouses. 

Crossed the suspension bridge, I had arrived.
Inside the lighthouse. It's larger than I thought.
Lighthouse keeper's quarter. Is lighthouse keeping the loneliest job in the world?
In just a few minutes, the weather changed. It was unbelievable.
I could hardly see the lighthouse any more. 
The fog bank looked almost alive. No wonder it inspired horror movies such as John Carpenter's "the fog" (shot at Point Reyes).
Parting shot, the lighthouse looked like a ghost in the fog.