Sunday, January 30, 2011

After Rain

William Trevor wrote a wonderful short story called "After Rain". In the end of the story, the protagonist experienced a moment of clarity. Where that revelation lead the protagonist to we never knew, because the story end abruptly, but ever since reading that story, I became sensitive to the quality of air and light after rain. From Trevor's writing I realized what a powerful writer could do. Though I had forgot the story line, the atmosphere of the story stayed with me forever. 


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cloud Spotting Day (from my Phone)

Crossing the Line

I hope I won't make it a habit of photographing my own feet, but the phone camera's capability to take photos of myself walking is too hard to resist.

P.S. My friend Chinchih told me with the photo below it looked like I had 3 legs.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

More Fun from Phone Camera

The phone camera works best when there's enough even light and everything is on the same plane.

Another discovery, don't even think about using the phone camera on cats. Cats demand absolutely the best photo equipments. At least that's what Mitty told me.

Playing with Macro Mode of My Phone Camera

Playing with the "macro" feature today. Conclusion: don't expect any creaming background or great bokeh, but the result can still be interesting.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Photos from My Phone Camera

Finally I upgraded my dinosaur phone to a smart phone (a Droid 2 global). It's a lot of fun to play with those interesting new (new to me) features. For example, I had never uses phone camera before and found it such a inspirational tool. I can take photos almost anywhere without getting any unnecessary attention (or feeling self conscious). True, the photo quality suffers, but under the right lighting condition the photos are still viewable. It's like a photographer's sketch book. It gives me so much freedom to explore. It's such a liberation!

Looking at Sky from My Phone Camera
Downtown Mountain View

Backstreet Mountain View

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What to Do on Earth Day (4/22)

Perfect movie for cat loves, big or small.

The Young Mitsuko Uchida

So this is what Mitsuko Uchida was like when she was still a child prodigy. From the other youtube videos you can see the grown-up Uchida is well articulated and very thoughtful (and full of passion for music, also funny and humorous). I have had a few classmates in grade school who could play like the young Uchida, but few child prodigies mature to their full potentials.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Visited Physics Department in NTU

During my last trip to Taiwan, I visited my alma mater. Considered how unhappy I was in my collage years. It took me a lot of courage to enter the old Physics department building. Fortunately, the entire department had moved to a new building and the first floor of the building was repurposed to a museum so I didn't feel too discouraging. 

Took a peek at the old general physics lab.