Sunday, October 18, 2009

Most Beautiful Waitress In Town

One restaurant I often went to recently hired a beautiful young waitress. Before, the restaurant hired a few poker faced overweight ladies (whose attitude implied they were probably paid minimum wages). Though the food there was delicious, the service was definitely not something you would remember. But, boy, what a difference this new waitress made! Not only she's beautiful (too beautiful to be a waitress in Bay Area, the first time I saw her I thought I was in Hollywood), she is genuinely warm and polite, always starting a small conversation with you. After you pick up your food and are ready to leave, she will wish you "have a beautiful day". The words are spoken so sincerely. Looking at her smiling face, you feel your whole day just light up.

Now I visit that restaurant more often because of this new waitress. To be greeted by her and hear her saying "have a beautiful day" have become the high point of my weekend. Alas, I don't even know her name yet!

P.S. for those who are interested in how she really "looks". The lady had very gently denied my photographing her, so for now you will have to use your own imagination.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Got My New Chair

My "Embody" chair finally arrived at noon. This expensive Herman Miller chair costs me a fortune, but does it worth it? You bet! The back support is excellent and I can rock back and forth while I think (the resistance is adjustable). Now I just want to sit in it and continue coding; even Miti seems satisfied with her test sit.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Is Economy Picking Up?

Exactly one year ago, I went to a small start-up for a job interview. I was doing well in the interview, but nothing happened, so I moved on and eventually joined my current company. Today I received an email from the VP of engineering (he was from my Alma Mater), asking me if I would still be interested. (He explained that they had a hiring freeze last year due to bad economy, but had released the product this year and needed to do some rapid hiring.) Wow, apparently you could get an interview response one year after the interview, what a lovely surprise. Does this mean the economy is getting better? I don't know, but I certainly hope so.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Whip It!

OK, I confess: I didn't even know things like "Roller Derby" existed before I watched "Whip It". But I liked Ellen Page's performance in Juno (she looked just like my college classmate W) and was curious what kind of movie Drew Barrymore would direct, I went to it any way. It turned out to be a perfect relaxation. In fact, given the work stress I had recently, even I wanted to go on the derby ring and hit somebody. Hmmm, let me think of a derby name first...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Did Work Make Me Dumb

Today a coworker of mine asked me to add a feature, so I had to go over some code I wrote six months ago (when I just joined my current company). I was shocked to find that the code I wrote then was more daring and more inventive. There were more designs in the code. The code I write now is more cookie-cutter, decent yet lack of imagination, a bad imitation of its previous self. Work stress also makes me less experimental, just want to get things done instead of exploring different ways of doing them. No wonder I am bored!